Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Chappelle's Competition

This is so funny and actually quite an act of jijitsu.

The journalist goes for the classic trap question: is Kamala a DEI candidate? Did she get the nomination because she is black?

So unwritten rule in America - everyone knows that her being black was a plus. But you can't say it, because if you say it, you're racist.

Trump knows this. He doesn't fall into the trap. To say "no" is what old Republican candidates would do. They would pretend to be race-neutral and want to avoid being called racist at all costs. So they lie. 

Trump takes a different tact. He lies BIGGER. He pretends that he didn't even know Kamala was black. He knows he's lying. Everyone knows he's lying. But on a different level: he's actually playing a game. He's refusing the terms of the question and communicating: if you want to dick around, I'll dick around in a more fun and amusing way. 

Don't count him out.

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