Friday, June 28, 2024

The Debate

Only watching bits...but was bad. A couple random thoughts:

-What really makes this terrible for Biden and the Democrats is the dementia patient performance matches with popular perception of the Biden presidency. It would be one thing if things were going well. They are not. The middle east, eastern europe are falling into chaos - exactly what you'd expect with an emperor with no clothes. So this performance validates what we see with our own eyes.

-Many think this is a Biden-specific thing. I don't. It's a Democrat thing. The Democrat worldview is a big package of lies and incoherence. Biden exposes it for what it is: incoherence, brought together for one purpose only: power to redistribute resources. It's the only thing Dems agree on: sucking the public tit. Dems have no vision for this country. Half the party doesn't even like the US. Half the party wants illegal immigration because in it they see a way to win elections in perpetuity. Half the party wants US allies to lose wars. Half the party wants special privileges for minorities - but especially women and blacks. The Republicans can be criticized for being a cult of personality and beholden to a number of crummy ideas. But say what you will about Trump: he at least has a vision for the country. Maybe it's a delusion vision - the entire MAGA idea - but it's going up against no vision. The closest thing to a vision the Dems have is what can broadly be described as wokeness. But half of Democrats don't even like wokeness. The Party a big pile of nothingness - and Biden is the perfect symbol for it. Weekend at Bernies. To support this thesis statement, allow me to present exhibit B: Kamala Harris. She is equally incoherent and her age isn't the issue. She just doesn't know anything. She's got the right optics for the wokies, but with her cynical background of hootching herself out to Willie Brown and being a prosecutor - she alleviates the insiders concern for the fanatics taking over. She's just another emperor with no clothes. The only thing the Dems can agree upon are candidates that express the Party's deep know-nothingness.

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