Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Film: Three Amigos!

Never loved this film. Still don't. Found a slight, more begrudging appreciation for Chevy Chase though. My favorite line in the film was him eating a taco where all the meat falls out. He asks the villagers "Do you have anything other than Mexican food?"

Martin Short is so weird. I wouldn't trust him around kids. 

A thing about John Landis: he embodies the difference between movies and film. He aspires not at all toward art - and puts all his energy to make sure the movie functions as a movie. He should be studied in this way. I actually think he kind of mocks the notion of a "film" by some of his shots - he's making fun of cinema like -- look at how pretentious this long lens is -- I can do it without any self importance whatsoever.

Film: Ferris Bueller's Day Off 

My son went bonkers for it. Several things to note:

-This is a very patriotic movie. The twist and shout sequence is like an ode to America. It's one of the best random, non-sequitur moments in American movies. Folks like to talk about the Rio Bravo song. Or the "Long Night" Game of Thrones episode where everyone just sits around talking before the battle against the dead. I'd say this sequence is better than both of those because it's straight up weirder in the context of the film. 

-Mr. Rooney and all the boring teachers and staff at the school are actually doing a decent job. The level of instruction and content in the classrooms despite being boring is quite high. Voodoo economics. Use of irony and symbolism in literature. I would send my kids to this school. It would be better than 80% of schools today. I think Rooney is in the top 60% of high school principals. The guy is not distracted by trying to change the system, in fact, he merely gets carried away and obsessed with punishing a kid who makes him look like a fool. This is a good goal! He is a man taking action and trying to keep dignity in his institution. Also, Rooney allows Ferris to be Ferris. In fact, he allows everyone to be who they are. The real bad guy of the film is Cameron's father. Why? Because of his absence. 

-The film is actually quite an ensemble - several characters go on meaningful internal transformations - Jennifer Gray, Cameron -- and several have quite the adventure, although they don't necessarily change as a result - Ferris, Rooney, and Sloan. 

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