Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'm Just An Average, Everyday, Normal Guy

Jon Lajoie asks people to donate to his kickstarter so he can be rich.

I suppose if you ask me whether I'm in favor of Zach Braff, etc, like people raising money on kickstarter, of course I'm going to say No.  I won't donate and I think people who do donate should be mocked.  They deserve it.

On a legal and social level - of course - do whatever you want with your money.  You can go dump it in slot machines or buy lotto tickets or buy real estate on the moon if you want.  But please, please, please do not ask me to praise this as some sort of new-world, power-to-the-people, social-media-futurist bullshit.  Do not expect me to believe this is something awesome and we, as a society, should get excited about it.  It's asking for charity.  And therefore, it is yuckier when people like Zach Braff do it than say, a film school student.

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