Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Film: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

I went from hating this movie to not liking it very much during the course of watching...then I turned it off. There are some fun cinematic tricks in the film and some cool edits. But I hate this film on a molecular level. I hate it's DNA. It is hipster trash and preoccupied with the pettiest elements of life. It is remarkable this film gets made by a the same society who killed Bin Laden this year.

As a person who didn't love Rushmore, I was preordained to not like this movie. Rushmore is the high water point of hipster art. And in hindsight, this isn't a very grand statement. Rushmore holds a special status amongst people my age group because so many people saw it in their early 20s - when hipster appeal is at its full apex of power. The older you get, the more you realize hipster-dom is just a way for guys to act like pussies without feeling guilty about it. The basic premise of the movie is for pussies. Why would any dude need to battle his new girlfriend's ex-boyfriends? Who thinks about these things, except as a passing moment of insecurity towards the beginning of a relationship? I'll tell you who: pussies. Michael Cera. And apparently Edgar Wright.

Michael Cera was perfectly cast George Michael Bluth and acceptable in Superbad. The boy should not be in any more movies. The fact that in Scott Pilgrim this noodle-armed child was lusted after by multiple women was absurd and offensive to males with penises between their legs. The character Scott Pilgrim as depicted by Michael Cera should be on his knees thanking God each day a girl deigned to be nice to him much less go out with him or suck on his rod.

I just hope aliens don't get ahold of Scott Pilgrim and think this is what our society is like. They will invade with bbguns and probably take over.

1 comment:

PWD said...

Here! Here! My good man.