Saturday, February 09, 2008

An Argument For Settling

A refreshing article in the newest Atlantic arguing women are better off settling for a less-than-ideal spouse.

An interesting point towards the end:

"My friend Gabe points out that this allows men to be the true romantics; when a man breaks up with a perfectly acceptable woman because he’s “just not feeling it,” there’s none of the ambivalence a woman with a deadline feels. “Women are the least romantic,” Gabe said. “They think, ‘I can do that.’ For a lot of women, it becomes less about love and more about what they can live with.”"

All of this stuff is tricky to talk about, because people differ so much...but this is a good read from a woman longing for a family. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

1 comment:

robyn said...

I think if you buy into what the author of this article is advocating, you also need to buy into extramarital affairs. Not that they are the worst thing in the world, but advocating marrying someone you aren't even attracted to would seem to beg the situation.

That said, I think she's right in terms of pickyness. Which basically can boiled down to a kind of nervous self-esteem, which is a pretty odious characteristic, even in well-toned, high-earning, charming people.