Tuesday, February 05, 2008

And Now, An Answer to My Question

Why Vote?

Not everything one does comes down to a rational-choice, game theory matrix...or maybe it does, and my prior analysis simply wasn't sophisticated enough. I can answer the question to why vote, with a question: why blog?

I get no money from blogging. In fact, it could easily be considered a giant waste of time. If my employers got wind of how much or often I blog, I probably would be warned against it. Blogging hasn't made my life better in any way shape or form. It is probably best described as a compulsion, more closely related to looking at internet porn or drinking large amounts of coffee than anything else.

And yet, I do it. It has something to do with writing and as Madonna said, "Expressing myself." I like blogging because I don't put people to sleep by talking too much or fill up inboxes with long diatribes on things I'm thinking about. I write it on my blog and there it is for people to read or not to read.

With respect to voting, there is a similar compulsion to express oneself, to be able to state: "Yes, I voted." There is also something in there about not being asshole, too. I mean, who wants to be the cynical asshole or the lazy, stupid, ignoramus who doesn't vote?

I mean, after all, why read? What is the utility? Maybe voting is simply a luxury good we purchase with our free time.

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