Monday, January 14, 2008

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

This movie completely mystifies me. I saw it - was looking forward to seeing it - and it turned out to be one of the worst movies I've seen in recent memory. Interminable is the perfect description. Every single person I've spoken to about it agrees...and they possess a varied taste in films, reflect different generations, relationship to movies, occupations, and other factors of diversity.

And yet, I keep reading about it, not just as a good movie, but as a movie actual writers are recommending, unprompted. It found it's way onto a column about football and just got slipped in there. Roger Ebert voted it in his ten best movies this year. It's all over the place getting good press...yet it wildly, enormously, in the most profound ass.

With respect to Ebert, I don't like some of his choices for top ten movies of 2007, namely BTKYD and The Kite Runner (awful), and find it implausible that Into the Wild belongs because it lacks a POV...but I do like what he says about Juno:

"It is so hard to make a great comedy at all, and harder still to make one that is intelligent, quick, charming, moving and yes, very, very funny. Seeing “Juno” with an audience was to be reminded of unforgettable communal moviegoing experiences, when strangers are united in delight."

Delight is a perfect word for Juno...a lot of people I talk to about movies have a similar reaction to Juno, many reluctantly admit to enjoying it "in the end," despite wanting to strangle the filmmakers/writer at certain points - namely the beginning. I never had this beef, to me, it falls into the Little Miss Sunshine/Forrest Gump category of feel good movie I'd recommend to anyone...

I would think to dislike Juno, one would need to be in a grumpy mood.

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