Monday, May 15, 2006

I Don't Disagree

So I'm catching up here, trying to read some Kevin Drum, since he seems to be the organizer of this socal blogging get together and basically, a respectable left wing blogger. He's right that the Republicans actively search out for an enemy - China for awhile and now Islamic Fundamentalists.

I've acknowledged this for a long time and recognized it for a long time. The only thing that's changed is that I agree with the Republicans that the Islamic Fundamentalists are our enemies. They happen to be right in this case. Whereas, I think my current quote (which won't be up there much longer) applies: "A liberal is too broad minded to take his own side in a quarrel."

Anyhow, of note is the blog address, the Washington Monthly, a magazine I used to read when I lived in DC and liked a lot, but lost track of it, because well, it wasn't really to be found out here. I didn't realize it then, but it appears to be a bastion of liberal thought - but a really smart one - sort of the liberal version of Foreign Affairs or AEI.

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