Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why Social Conservatives Can Really Kiss My Ass

A new vaccination for cervical cancer is worrying social conservatives because it'll encourage sex.

I remember around my junior year in high school the big issue was whether condoms should be handed out in school. I was, of course, in favor of the idea, but even back then could see the other side... a) it's easy enough to buy condoms and b) condoms are pretty flagrant symbols of sexual promiscuity. (which is probably why I was in favor of it, versus the STD saving possibility, which is pretty impossible to measure, ie how handing out condoms would lessen std transfer)

Anyhow, this vaccination seems to me to be a fantastic medical development, one with zero downside. It ain't flagrant and could demonstrably save lives. Any social conservative who believes that their religious beliefs and moral standards ought to take precedence over the lives of women who are threatened by cervical cancer, has a severe mental problem, I think.

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