Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Watching some of these Republican Senators grilling Maya Berry - ugly. I have zero tolerance for Hamas apologists, but the hyperbole about Jewish students being in danger on campus is out of control. I agree the pro-Hamas stuff is gross, but what the hell are Lindsay Graham and Josh Hawley gonna do about it? Nothing but blow hot air. Do Senators need to be involving themselves in this? Cannot the campuses resolve these issues? Are Hawley and Graham gonna go around reading all the protest signs and distinguishing between free speech and hate speech. Don't they have more important things to be doing? This just furthers my suspicion that the vast majority of our so-called elites just enjoy their status and like pretending to be doing their jobs. What they should actually be doing is figuring out how to sort out this new world order that's growing in front of our eyes. Instead, they want to pick the low hanging fruit.

Man...I don't know...

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