Friday, September 08, 2023


Film: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

3rd or 4th watch...what's new? 

Imagining the movie  through the eyes of a non-film bros - is the Margot Robbie storyline nonsensical if you don't know the Sharon Tate story? 

Is the narrator Kurt Russell or the character Kurt Russell is playing in the film?

Still don't understand the shot of Polanski drinking french press in his backyard.

My favorite moment this time around - Leo losing it when he's describing Bronco Billy story.

Thought: does Tarantino think about movies in 20-30 minute segments? I watched the date sequence from Pulp Fiction the other day and noticed his segments are wonderfully self contained and full of unexpected twists and turns. I wonder if part of his "magic" lies within his ability to break films down into smaller narrative components -- thereby disrupting the audience's boredom and expectations with certain narratives tropes (ie story structures) they've become overly accustomed to. We have no idea how long the sequence at the Spahn Ranch is going to be. We think maybe Pitt will get laid? Robbed? Killed? Maybe there will be a huge fight? Maybe this is the entire rest of the movie. Maybe he just drops her off and waves to Charlie Manson before going to watch a movie by himself. 

If Tarantino made this film at a different moment would there have been some sequences in Italy with Rick and Cliff? Would we see how Rick meets his Italian wife?

You need the scene, but one of the scenes I liked least this time around was the Manson murderers in the car.

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