Tuesday, August 08, 2023


Saw in person last night. A few notes:

-He's an incredible player. Took an extra base on a single with no outs to put himself in scoring position. 

-I haven't watched a ton of baseball in recent times, but he's a bit Barry Bonds-ish at the plate. You can feel the entire stadium stop and watch. Each pitch a giant moment.

-He whacked a fly out that seemed to go up 1 mile in the air - a millimeter off a monster home run.

-A single man interested in meeting a Japanese woman would put himself in a good position to do so by attending Angels games.

-The Angels as a team stink.

-"He Gets Us" was advertised at the stadium. Clever. It seems like the Christians are stealing a page from the BLM playbook by creating a strong slogan and pushing their ideas through sports and other significant cultural touchstones.

-As I get older, I think the food at games improves slightly and yet I'm more disgusted by it.

-Beer is tempting to order, but I'm glad I didn't have any. Why do stadiums/events carry the large/22 oz type of beers now? I would prefer smaller sizes (and order more) to maximize number of cold sips. Temperature of drinks an underrated vital factor in enjoyment. This applies to beer, martinis, coffee, soft drinks, just about anything and why Musso and Franks martinis are the best (the extra bits kept cool in ice bucket for you)

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