Monday, July 31, 2023


TV: Jack Ryan S1 E1 and E2, Justified City Primeval, S1 E1 

Something about John Krasinski is a bit hard to buy as Jack Ryan. There's just no comparison in screen presence between him and a younger Ford. The show also feels a bit cheap, even though they globetrot and have pretty serious action sequences. Everything sort of looks like shows of similar character like 24. Part of the Jack Ryan appeal was the verisimilitude of the movies/books. This network TV treatment diminishes the brand. 

In contrast, Justified is perfect TV. The humor plays and balances nicely against the medium-high stakes of the situations. To sustain tension and interest, they jump around to numerous POVs and introduce layers of dramatic irony. Also, the great achievement are the side characters, each given some sort of morsel to play with in the story. Strong casting compliments the writing. And Olyphant holds it all together. As Milch says in the Deadwood commentary, "He is one handsome man."

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