Saturday, September 18, 2021


We don't need vaccine boosters but the vaccinated do need to keep masking and social distancing and testing. So which is it? Is Delta dangerous or not? 

We need to prioritize vaccines for the 3rd world, but had we done so, we would be "testing" the vaccines on the poor.

You need vaccine proof to enter a bar in LA, but we won't stop unvaccinated illegal immigrants from streaming into the US along the Texas border.

We need to threaten jobs to ensure the hesitant get vaccinated to have a simple, consistent policy. However, if and when a Republican were and was President, you should definitely not trust the vaccine.  

Everyone needs to wear a mask, except everyone also knows we don't really need to wear masks which is why they don't at events like Obama's birthday party and the Met gala.

Science should not be political if your politics are wrong, but if your politics are right, they should be taken into account.

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