Sunday, May 03, 2020


People are going starve not because of this disease but because of the political response.
Now as the pressure grows to resume normal life, many insist we wait for experts to give us a scientific “all-clear.” But as the world-wide disaster resulting from global shutdowns unfolds, it should be apparent that these experts have made a classic health care mistake: treating the disease instead of the patient.
And this:
Proponents are so bought into shutdown that they seem to have forgotten its original rationale. Shutdown was designed to “flatten the curve,” spreading infections over a long enough time period to prevent surge demand at any time on the health care system. Shutdown was intended to defer some of the pain of the pandemic, not eliminate it. An alternative strategy of encouraging rapid herd immunity accepts the risks of worse short-term results in hopes of a quicker end to the pandemic. By definition, we’ll be unable to judge which was a wiser approach for years. Yet any country trying more limited social distancing in the aim of early herd immunity has been branded a failure by public health experts as soon as their numbers tick even slightly worse than a shutdown country’s. That’s dogma, not science.
We live in an era of anxiety. Our decision making are driving by the anxious, or appeasing the anxious. Hallmarks of such decision making are doing anything to relieve temporary pain without any regard to the long term consequence. The pain in this case is: people will get sick from this disease and die. Luckily, a lot fewer than we initially thought. The long term consequence of shutting down the world economy for any more time: no one in their right mind knows, but I'm positive, it will be very, very bad. 

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