Wednesday, April 01, 2020


Is the story about COVID ultimately going to reveal how the United States has become utterly incompetent at multiple levels? See link on why there are mask shortages.

Remember, too, what we are talking about - a cloth filter with rubber bands. It's not a rocket ship.

Mystery: why aren't we seeing more COVID in California given it was one of the early states with COVID and has a lot of immigration from China? Possible theories:

1) Social distancing is working
2) Something about California geography and culture make disease spread harder than in NYC
3) The testing is so crummy the numbers are off.
4) The strain of the virus here is weaker
5) The weather here affects the virus in some way
6) We are just a few days or weeks behind and the explosion will be similar
7) An out there theory that herd immunity has already taken a bit of hold in California and we've been living with the virus for longer than we knew.

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