Saturday, January 25, 2020


Podcasts: 1% Improvement with Tyler Cowen and Joe Rogan and Bari Weiss

Things I took away on self improvement front:

1) Find and utilize mentors/coaches
2) Focus on activity and work that will generate compound returns
3) Receive enough feedback and take feedback seriously

Things I want to apply to teaching:

1) Less introduction / small talk, etc and applying a more shotgun of information approach to students (which I sort of already do, but maybe can take it to a greater extreme).

Things I learned that's just sort of interesting general knowledge:

1) The argument about Israel's right to exist is absurd. How come Israel is the only country in the world where Western intellectuals take seriously the question of whether it has a right to exist? What kind of question is this? Israel exists. Bari Weiss makes a good analogy, it's like asking whether it is a good idea to have a baby AFTER the baby is born. The question is irrelevant and over. The question of whether Jews should integrate into societies or have their own was from the 1920s-1950s - a question pretty much settled after the Holocaust. And for anyone who thinks that event was an anomaly, ask the Kurds, the Copts, or the Zoroastrians how life goes without a land of their own.

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