Thursday, May 16, 2019

Student Loans

Strange irony. A bunch of the more progressive Democrats are talking student loan forgiveness, etc. They've identified the problem, but is forgiveness the solution? If student loans are so "problematic," why does the Federal Government subsidize them? I honestly feel as though Democrats can only think about 1, maybe 2 steps ahead if you go by their policy ideas.

If you believe in equal opportunity, labor rights, and even correcting past historical wrongs, my suggestion is to come up with better ideas and better solutions as opposed to ideas that can easily be dismissed as simplistic, virtue signaling, and stupid.

A better idea:

1) Put colleges on the hook for defaults.

2) Peg financial aid that goes to institutions to reasonable rates of tuition increases.

3) Broaden GI bill, and other service oriented programs for scholarships, etc.

4) Track effectiveness of state university systems (which I think probably do a better job than we give them credit for overall)

And for the students/parents:

1) Don't take out loans than can't be easily repaid.

2) Go to cheaper schools

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