Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Children and Climate Change

Cowen argues having children will help solve climate change.

He's fighting windmills. The folks who cite climate change as a reason not to have children cannot be taken at their word. They are looking for excuses to not parent. But why not admit this? Instead, they also want the ego boost. It's called vainglory.

Also related, if you want insight into who these people are, the Atlantic has a new section called "Dear Therapist."
Since hearing the news, I have been honest with her about my feelings. I reminded her that we simply cannot afford a second child and we can kiss our joint career aspirations goodbye if we have another baby. She agrees with me. More important, I said our marriage will be over in the sense that we will just be co-parents rather than lovers because I will resent her, and the baby will always be a reminder of my career sacrifice and our indebtedness...  
...We're both Christians, and I know she will struggle with making the decision I prefer and might regret it afterward. I don't think I will share those regrets, but if she keeps the pregnancy I will likely enter into a state of lifelong depression and feel stuck in an unhappy marriage. I feel like there are only bad outcomes with either choice. What do we do?
What an awful person is what I come away thinking...

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