Wednesday, February 28, 2018


California is going to unleash driverless cars on the road despite ZERO public data on safety, feasibility, etc. 

I find it worrying how much trust Americans are willing to place in technology and how little trust we put in each other. It is a recipe for a fast downward spiral of increasing dependence.


andy v said...

Trust people? Car accident deaths are one of the most egregious aspects of modern society. If Driverless cars can reduce accidents even by a fraction the worth to society is invaluable. I cannot wait for Car Deaths to be like plane crashes in the future - they happen, but the odds are long. I mean I know at least 6 people off the top of my head that died in car accidents ranging from kids to forty somethings. I couldn't say the same for any other cause of death - cancer included. We should be doing everything possible to get to driverless cars even if it means a slight increase in accidents to start, though from everything I've read that seems unlikely.

Greg said...

I don't understand why anyone who's ever worked with any type of software would be optimistic re: driverless cars. I mean, do you ever use a toilet with an automatic flush? They can't even get those to work right. Why do we expect car software would work so much better than every other software on the planet? I think people are comparing some utopian idea of driverless cars with the stark reality of actual driving. And what's going to happen when this shit doesn't work right is all the software/technophiles are going to change the argument to progress - progress - progress.

Car accidents happen, of course, but they relatively low risk as evidenced by the fact that everyone drives all the time.