Saturday, April 26, 2014

Donald Sterling

"Don't bring black people to my games."

So bizarre.  Is it legal for TMZ to record private phone conversations?  Why does a racist own an NBA team, a league that is predominantly African American?  How can an owner be punished by the NBA?  He's the owner!  And what did he do?  He said something uncouth in private.  Why is being racist the worst thing a person can do in 2014?  Criminals get more respect than racists.  Again, why does a racist own an NBA team?  Why did Sterling say this in the middle of the playoffs when the Clippers are contenders for the first time in ages?

I hope the players and Doc try to ignore the situation the best they can and keep winning.  But imagine them refusing to play or something in protest.  Now that would even be more bizarro.  Political correctness meets big business meets sporting competition at the highest level.  Enjoyable. Very enjoyable.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Why does a racist own an NBA team?? He bought the team for $12.5's now worth $575mil. That's why.