Sunday, March 11, 2012


Film: Catfish, Beginners, Paranormal Activity

Catfish is a fake documentary. I wasn't aware of the debate surrounding the movie since I hadn't seen it and deliberately wasn't paying attention. But while watching, I knew the thing was fake or at the very least, staged. So I went online and read some reviews and the debate surrounding the veracity of the movie. I suppose it isn't very important whether it is staged or real, if the emotions elicited by the film are genuine. There were some good parts at the end of the movie.

Beginners was surprisingly bad. By the reviews and the Oscar for Plummer, I thought this would be a good indie film. It tries to pull the trick 21 Grams tried about 10 years ago, where it masks inept narrative storytelling by cutting back and forth between timelines. Also, I'm not a fan of quirk. I can think of few things more overused. Turned the movie off because I had no idea what part of the movie we were in - it could have lasted 10 more minutes or 1 more hour. Bad sign.

Paranormal Activity - a movie for stupid people.

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