Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good Jobs

Was listening to some pundits recently talking about American jobs. Someone made a point, one of the bigger issues right now in terms of society and employment is the dearth of good jobs - these are jobs people enjoy doing, challenge them, pay them well enough to live comfortably, etc. When we talk about jobs-jobs-jobs we don't really mean minimum wage service jobs or factory jobs that pay $12 an hour, because a) those jobs are miserable and b) they don't pay enough to support a family. So what we ought to be discussing is good jobs. Middle class jobs. Herein lies the problem. I believe there are good jobs and they are really difficult to find because they are few and far between and the people who have them rarely leave them. Many of these jobs are not traditional jobs that you are hired to do - many are self created or the result of years of hard work before starting one own's business, etc. These type of jobs, I think, the government cannot do much to create. This leads me to believe we need to radically de-escalate what we expect our government to be able to do in terms of job creation.

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