Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I Somehow Missed This

I guess Monday, in addition to Memorial Day, was also quit Facebook day. Who knew? I suppose you needed to be on Facebook to hear about it.

Apparently, the effort fell flat. But of course it did! Who the f--- needs a goddamn group to tell them to quit Facebook? If you're going to do it, do it. The problem with all these trolls on Facebook is they want to be doing whatever everyone else is doing. If you need a goddamn special day to quit facebook, I have one question - how the hell do you put your own pants on in the morning? Seriously, do you ask permission to wipe your ass after taking a poop? Can we organize a wipe-your-ass day?

Jesus Christ.

Side note - am I the only one beginning to sour on this whole globalization thing? It seems to me we are missing some advantages of a pre-globalized world. Back in the day, if Greece ran out of money, it was tough shit for Greece. Nowadays, Greece runs out of money and it threatens to bring down the Euro and then the dollar and our stock market crashes - through essentially no fault of our own. Similarly, this whole banking crisis was inextricably linked to globalization and the subsequent bailout required because of the reverberative effects to the entire world economy should the US banks all fail.

It feels like we just go gung ho into all these things and we don't even know what any of it means or is. Globalization, facebooks, derivatives, all this nonsense, nobody understands any of it. There is too much going on for people to understand and make informed decisions. We can't even plug a goddamn hole in a gushing oil well under the ocean. Shit is hard. And we try to do too much and everyone acts like they know the answers and they don't. And even if they did know the answers - they probably couldn't execute the plan correctly. You hear people throw off the phrase "we put a man on the moon" as if to say, we can solve every single problem that ever existed - from healthcare, to environmental disasters, to islamic terrorism, to global financial meltdown. Fact is, we can't solve all these problems, but we could manage them better.

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