Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Movies Watched Today

1. Assault of the Party Geeks. There were tits and ass and I'm more or less positive it was shot in Andy's fraternity. According to IMDB it was shot in 5 days. Sounds awesome, right? It wasn't.

2. Bloom. I thought it couldn't get worse and yet it did. Bloom did not make a single joke or have a single funny moment in the entire movie. It might be a reflection of my retarded emotional state, however, that I did manage to find to feel sad for the character towards the end. If it weren't for that, this might be the worst movie I've ever seen. It's so bad, I can't even find it on IMDB.

3. Louder than Bombs. A Polish film (it took me awhile to figure that out) actually turned out to be pretty good. It looks like crap, but the performances are good and there is some funny shit in the movie. The transitions were awful, however, and some of the story telling elements totally off - things didn't make sense at times and then you sort of figure it out. Seems to me the director, with some practice, would be pretty good. It didn't show at any major festivals in the US, which surprises me. The lead girl is beautiful and could make it as a movie actress.

4. History Channel Documentary on the Salem Witch Trials. Obviously, an incredibly interesting story. Salem, at the time was a total weirdo boondocks town, barely surviving. A lot of social tensions existed in the town between the wealthier, more liberal merchants and the rural, more religiously conservative poor. They were all Puritans and all poor - just different degrees. Puritan's at the time believed literally in the devil and in witches - as opposed to today when most Christians believe the devil to be more of a metaphor for the bad side of the soul. Puritans were also terribly misogynistic - even by the standards of the time. Anyhow, the entire story is quite fascinating and encompasses so many issues - religion, class, gender, sexuality (repressed), race, celebrity (the young girls were famous), economics (who was benefitting), children, in addition to the obvious issue of social paranoia which we associate with witch trials. There is definitely an interesting movie in here and I'm sure they've already made some...

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