Monday, May 03, 2004

Is it just me or does every single development on the Iraq war give fuel to one's position whether it was legitimate or not?

Here's a pro-war interpretation. Synopsis by Andrew Sullivan, "They believe that an Iraqi force for the pacification of Fallujah was always part of the plan; and that what appears to be genuine weakness, vacillation and indecision on the part of the U.S. is in reality good tactics." Whatever. It sounds to me like we f--k up there and need to do something differently. (Note: this is easy to say where I'm sitting)

Here's an anti-war position. Scroll down. Money quote, "Victory In Fallujah link
For the resistance, that is. There's no sugar-coating the fact that the Bush administration has suffered a major, public defeat in Fallujah. The United States looked the insurgents in the eye there—and blinked. Instead of flattening Fallujah if the insurgents didn't hand over heavy weapons and stop fighting, U.S. forces have meekly retreated, under cover of a plan that would put some of the same insurgents on the U.S. payroll.

It's a total loss for the neocon strategy of dominating Iraq, and a total win for, well, the Iraqis. Not the ones on the Iraqi Governing Clowncil, but the real ones, the ones opposed to the U.S. occupation. Not only is the United States retreating from the showdown in Fallujah, but it's reportedly going to allow a Saddam-era general to command a force inside the city."

Maybe it's weak of me to say that both sides seem full of shit, but that's what I think. One can argue in favor of the war and acknowledge things are going poorly. At the same time, one can argue against the war but not praise the insurgency...

If I were a regular Iraqi, why would I fight the US? We do not have a history of being occupiers that rape and pillage countries. Why would they fight us? Why not see what type of provisional government is set up before running around shooting? I think the answer is not that they are a legitimate resistance, but one fueled by the same anti-civilization ideology that gives rise to terrorism. The insurgency isn't full of regular Iraqi's after a legitimate, self-running government that respects the rights of citizens. They are interested in chaos and instability because the misery of their own people gives autocrats and ideologues power.

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