Thursday, October 17, 2024


Good opportunity for the Middle East players to bring this war to an end. Return hostages for ceasefire. Some type of political settlement whereby Hamas must compete with Fatah and other Palestinian groups for who calls the shots going forward in Gaza. Let Palestinians decide if they like the way Hamas ran things.

Monday, October 14, 2024


Do the anti-war and ceasefire people realize what they're really saying is: let's do this thing over again in 5-10 years when Iran has nukes? 


I wonder what percentage of people who think Columbus was a force for evil also think Elon Musk is a force for evil. My prediction: 80%. And the only thing in common: men with tangible accomplishments.  

Columbus Day

Rather than celebrate nautical accomplishment and being a brave, bold explorer of the world, we shall now criticize and judge a man who lived 530+ years ago as a way to make us feel better about sitting on the coach staring at phones. Congrats America, we've made a lot of moral progress by simply nodding along with the zeitgeist. Who knew it was so easy to be a good person?

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Of All The 20th Century Horrors...

Where would one rank the Nakba? I'm guessing in the 50s-70s. Why is this the only one the world doesn't want to move on from?

I wonder. A mystery wrapped in a riddle. 


Called Reagan a fascist. Then called Bush 1. Then Bush 2. Then McCain. Then Romney. Then Trump. Now Elon.

Notice a pattern? Everyone who disagrees with the progressive agenda is by their account, a fascist. Cluster B personalities. 


Is what makes the world go round. This is right. 

The man could cure cancer, take us to Mars and miraculously walk on water and half this country would still hate Elon. Not surprising at all, unfortunately.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


It is psychotic to want to see men playing in women's sports at a competitive level.

Hamas Documents

These are the people Israel is dealing with. There will be no peace for Israelis or Palestinians until Hamas and Hezbollah are gone. It will be fake and temporary. If you care about the Palestinians the fastest path would be surrender. If you cared about the Israelis...come on, you don't care about the Israelis...

Fire The Entire Commission

CA state commission in charge of coastal wildlife rejects SpaceX plans to shoot rockets because they don't like Musk's politics. 

And you wonder why Donald Trump appeals to people.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


Yes, there are horrors in Palestine - a terrible situation for all. But made so by the intractable and ridiculous demands of Palestinian political leaders and all those who support them. Imagine if the Chinese who lived in Taiwan demanded their lands and property back - confiscated by the Chinese Communists. What if they conducted suicide raids on the mainland. What do they think would be happening to them? Would Americans be supporting them? Not in a million years. Plus, they aren't so stupid to think this could ever work.

My Lovely Alma Mater

Protestors at Pomona College celebrate October 7th in numerous violations of student codes.  

1) Disrupting classes, not letting teachers and admin into their work

2) Vandalization

3) Wearing masks on campus (many of these "protestors" are not students but activists from the area)

Easy solution - kick all participants out of the school. Make they pay for destruction to property. No arrests needed. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2024


Think Saleh was fired as Jets coach because he wore the Lebanese flag. These fools no nothing about football and see the world through one lens - Palestine. No one in the US or football fans even cares about this stuff. Delusional.

So Lame

Bring me back to the 20th century, please...

Who wants to play VR games on an omni-directional treadmill? Begin on a treadmill is a metaphor for boredom - go outside, people!


The vibe I get from Kamala -- drunken class President who organized the 30 year high school reunion. Goes around hugging and slurring and reflecting how much she misses everyone.


From Scientific American about inequities between males and females in sport. 

In my casual observations as a youth soccer coach, by age 6 I can see significant athletic differences between boys and girls - strength, speed, coordination so much so that 95% of girls would simply not enjoy playing real competitive sport against boys. And for the record, 25% of boys do not like competing against other boys their age simply because of the physical challenges. So if you want to get rid of this gender stuff - and did a simple thing like made soccer co-ed - you would see probably about 1 girl per team of 8 actually playing and enjoying it.